February 19, 2024

Why are Japanese people buying up old Shinkansen food carts?

The Central Japan Railway Company has decided to phase out the iconic on-board snack cart services on the Shinkansen bullet trains. This decision is due to waning demand, a shortage of workers, and an increase in customers buying food and drink in in-station stores.

The food carts will be discontinued on the Nozomi and Hikari trains at the end of October 2024, and starting November 1, onboard food will be available only on the first-class “green” cars through a new service. Passengers in the premium cars will be able to purchase drinks and food and hail service staff via QR code, while regular reserved and unreserved seat ticket-holders will have to purchase food and drink ahead of time.

The decision to discontinue the traditional on-board snack cart services led to a unique opportunity for individuals and businesses to acquire 50 of the old bullet train carts as items of memorabilia and nostalgia. This sparked interest among people, who saw potential in repurposing these iconic train carts for various creative uses, such as private dining spaces, cafes, or even as part of home interiors.

The popularity of these old bullet train carts reflects the cultural significance and nostalgia associated with the Shinkansen trains in Japan.

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